An IT solution needs to be on point with customer service, reasonably priced, and clear and responsive in their communications. Tazergy checks all these boxes.

Paul O’Sullivan
Senior Vice President of Operations – Regional Health Properties

Comprehensive IT Support for Senior Living Communities

Providing IT support to senior living communities demands versatility and experience to effectively meet the distinct needs of your residents and staff. That’s why you need a technical partner who thoroughly understands the space.

Ensure support for ALL your critical IT systems beyond computers and printers to include peripheral systems such as eMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record), emergency call, audio/video, security, carrier services, infrastructure, and more.

Download a printable brochure

Learn how the “ITaaZ” team (our variation of “TaZergy” and “IT as a Service”) keeps your communities connected, engaged, and secure.

  • A responsive support team continually tracking ongoing issues and making proactive changes to keep systems healthy and operational

  • Uninterrupted access to the internet providing vital access to clinical information, continuous business operations, and programming for resident engagement
  • A trusted advocate to deal with your outside IT vendors, freeing your care staff to focus on residents

  • A technical partner able to assess your current technology plan and build a roadmap for your future plans

  • Time-saving procurement services providing competitive pricing from major technology vendors and manufacturers without hassle or worry

Keep your senior communities functioning with seamless operations, engaged living for residents, and the highest level of care without interruptions in connectivity.