TECHTalk: Strategy

Matt Haywood
Founder, CEO

Larry Schneider
Partner / Senior Living Planner
Plunkett Raysich Architects, LLP
SAGE Board Member
DATE: Sept. 14, 2023
1 – 1:30 pm Eastern Time
Tazergy is thrilled to partner with SAGE to make TECH more accessible and understandable to the great minds designing, creating, operating, working and living in senior living environments. Do YOU have burning questions about technology? Then TECHTalk is for you!
A critical ingredient to achieving a project vision is to devise and communicate a well-founded strategy. A design team that is clear on the client’s strategy can align with it and achieve astounding results. Absent this knowledge, a seemingly sound decision by the design team may in fact contradict the ultimate vision and goals.
Join Tazergy Founder and CEO Matt Haywood as he and SAGE Board Member Larry Schneider break down the anatomy of a good strategy.
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