TECHTalk: Get Smart! Planning for the Adoption of Smart Technology

0.9 min readPublished On: June 14, 2024Categories: TECHTalkTags: ,


Matt Haywood
Founder, CEO

Jill Schroeder
Sr. Planner / Sr. Designer
Pope Design Group
SAGE President

DATE: July 11, 2024

1 – 1:30 pm Eastern Time


Join us for the next session of TECHTalk, where we’ll explore Get Smart! Planning for the Adoption of Smart Technology.

We’ll discuss things to consider as you evaluate what smart technology looks like for you and your communities, including:

  • Public amenity areas vs private living spaces
  • Activating resident involvement and expanding choice with smart technology
  • Addressing staff anxiety re: smart technology implementation

Bring your questions to–or just listen in on–this 30-minute FREE, conversational session with Tazergy Founder/CEO Matt Haywood and SAGE President Jill Schroeder.

Have a technology topic you want to learn more about in relation to senior living environments? Join us on TECHTalk and let us know what YOU want us to focus on for future sessions.

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